Newsletter. They participated in subject tutorials for English, maths, social subjects, biology, chemistry, PE and Spanish to help prepare them for the SQA exams in May. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. It caters for pupils living in Cumbernauld, south of the A80 and east of the A73, Muirhead, Cardowan and Stepps; in addition we have pupils from Condorrat, Dullatur, Moodiesburn and Castlecary. org; SMOS on Twitter My Tweets Follow Us. Thanks to everyone who donated! #TheOurLadysWay #ProudHT #ProudToBePartOfOLHSCommunity”Hosted again by Mrs Savage and Mrs Wilson, joined by returning guest Miss Ruddy and two S6 pupils who discuss with us the roles and responsibilities they are now undertaking in their final year at OLHS. The ongoing. Glow. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Newsletter. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Radio Local. Ninians and Kirkintilloch High. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“Calling all P7s. Glow. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. A transition booklet ‘Meet the Departments’ can be found by clicking here: Meet the Departments 2022. Well done to all the players who took part! Players – Daniel Bray, Flynn Malcolm, Euan Manchip. Senior Phase Materials Home Economics S1-S2 Home Economics S3 Practica…Employability Focus 2021 This year’s Employability focus began on Monday the 8 November and ran for two weeks. Employability Week 2019. OLHS Concert. Glow. The boys were absolutely fantastic from front to back and were deserved winners. S4/S5 – Mrs L Cookman. Thanks to Mr Dunlop for leading the boys to the final. In this conversation. National 5/Higher Business Management. Pope Francis said in January 2018 that education should – “Tr…OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Glow. National 3/4 Business. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. The pupils split into three groups to rotate around the activities on offer: archery, paintballing and off-road driving. Education Scotland. If you are unsure where to start, begin at the start of Set 2 sounds (if your child is struggling go back and start with. Maths Week Scotland 2017: 11-15 September. As a Catholic school, Gospel values underpin all that we do. SQA. Saturday Study Day We had our first Saturday Study Day of the year on 28 October to help prepare our learners for their SQA exams. Education Scotland. Glow. Newsletter. Parental Communication. On Wednesday 11 October at Dunbeth Park, Coatbridge our brilliant Rugby team showed great spirit and resilience despite narrowly losing their three games. How to Analyse Film and Television Drama. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. Originally intended as an all girls school, Our Lady’s welcomed girls and boys for the first time 50 years ago this week. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. COP26 / Laudato Si’ Poster Competition The St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teachers recently ran a competition to raise awareness of COP26 and Laudato Si. We strive to achieve this through: Providing a challenging and engaging curriculum. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. area of Cumbernauld and surrounding localities. The beautiful Mass was celebrated by our school chaplain, Father. This involved all pupils finding out information about each curricular area to help them when making their options choices. In the second podcast episode from Our Lady's High in Cumbernauld, we discuss The Our Lady's Say on How to Prepare for Assessments. Back To The 80s – School Show. Hosted again by Mrs Savage and Mrs Wilson, joined by returning guest Miss Ruddy and two S6 pupils who discuss with us the roles and responsibilities they are now undertaking in their final year at OLHS. This is a great opportunity to see how the water project has progressed and the impact it has had on both the school and the community in Katete. Lois Mullaney Cluster Improvement & Integration Lead (CIIL) E: [email protected]. Inicia sesión. Pupils from S1-S6 were involved in a superb range of fun activities including Eurovision Song Contests, Euroquizzes and a Europe project for S1. Newsletter. Scottish Catholic Education Service. S4 Football Team. Newsletter. “Friday is Crazy Hair Day in Our Lady's. Glow. We will have a range of events this session to mark our 50th Anniversary. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. Newsletter. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Glow. S1 enjoyed the interactive workshop about the process of writing her books and becoming an author, and got involved with some quiz questions. Newsletter. The girls had to complete a 3-day expedition as well as a prolonged period of six months volunteering in their local communities. Education Scotland. Rugby Team. Parents Council Meetings. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. Read to Succeed On the 5 September, pupils from Our Lady’s attended the launch event of North Lanarkshire’s ‘Read to Succeed’ initiative. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. SQA. Health & Wellbeing Department Resource Links: Support for Pupils, Carers and Parents Materials P. While there, pupils also learned about how the foodbank works and how it supports local people. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Newsletter. Scottish Catholic Education Service. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. They are Grace Carey, Toni De Pellette, Erin Docherty, Lewis Duncanson, Rebekah Dunese, Ross Gordon, Ada Malinowska, Ryan McTurk and Kieran Millar accompanied by Mr. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. OLHS Parent Council Cumbernauld, Cumbernauld. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms PrivacyOLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Well done to Claire Martin, Jacqueline Shaw and Morgan Stewart (S6) who received the Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award at the Radisson Hotel in Glasgow on Monday 25 April. We would. SQA. Your teachers are sending us lots of information about you and can't wait to meet you. gov. Tutorial sessions were on offer for English, Maths, Modern Studies…OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Rugby Team. Child Protection. European Day of Languages. Education Scotland. OLHS Parent Council Cumbernauld, Cumbernauld. Glow. Pizza party before the hard work begins at the S5 Study Weekend in Stirling Youth Hostel @PapaJohnsUK. Click here to access a. Glow. encouraging pupils’ confidence, engagement and enjoyment in Mathematics. Catholic Education Week : Serving the Common Good Our school is a community that promotes social justice and opportunity for all. S1/S2 – Ms M Campbell. S1 Author Visit. Huge congratulations to Philip !Pupil Information – Senior Phase Click here to access the 2023 S6 Leavers Video 2021 Prelim Timetable S4 Timetable. The current roll of the school is 914 pupils who are looked after by approximately 63 teaching staff (full time equivalent) and 24 support staff. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Thomas Halleran scored a hat-trick with the other goals coming from Liam. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Following the closure of the school last week because of the poor weather, we have taken the decision to postpone the S2 Parents’ Evening which was scheduled to take place tonight (5th March). Scottish Catholic Education Service. The Senior Awards Ceremony took place on Wednesday 23 September 2015 with guest speaker Isabelle Boyd CBE, Head of Service. There will be lots of stalls with lots of treats. ” All Primary Schools pre…OLHS Faculty of English, Literacy and Drama @Eng_DramaOLHS. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Address: Dowanfield Road, Seafar Cumbernauld, G67 1LA Tel : 01236 632159 Twitter @OLHSCumbernauld Click the image below to find us on Google Maps: Head Teacher:. The theme of the. G67 3LQ (Tel 01236 794852)Our Lady’s High School Staff 2022-23 Head Teacher: Mrs N Cunningham DHT (S1/S2): Ms M Campbell DHT (S3/S6): Mr M Lester DHT (S4/S5): Mrs L Cookman Chaplain: Canon H McKay PRINCI…We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We aim to make progress as a school by: promoting the full intellectual, social and spiritual development of our pupils. Pupils should wear: school blazer; white school shirts (not casuals);On a brighter note, we as a school community have supported our wider community with outstanding generosity during Advent. Brief summary and aims: To enhance pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Business and Computing topics and develop their ICT skills in order to fully equip pupils to grasp all opportunities available to them now and in the future. The S3 pupils meet once per week on a Wednesday after school. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. Maintaining effective partnerships with parents and families is a key aspect of ensuring success for our young people. Glow. Pupils could wear (for example) – pink or yellow trainers, a pink or yellow scarf. 12 hours ago. Maxwell (all pictured). Scottish Catholic Education Service. Mr P Murray St Francis House. I am a Mathematics teacher and I am really looking forward to teaching some. We intend to use the app to communicate any. This is where they are given 50 numeracy based questions and they try and answer as many as they can in th…Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersSession 2018/19 marks 50 years since Our Lady’s High School opened. SQA. Newsletter. The lessons cover sets 1, 2, and 3. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. encouraging commitment to learning, providing a full range of. All pupils commented that it was a very worthwhile and humbling experience. Mr G Maxwell St Pope John Paul II House. There will be a public meeting on Tuesday 28 November 7pm to 9pm in Greenfaulds High School, Cumbernauld. Scottish Catholic Education Service. In this conversation. SQA. On Friday 14 October we will have a “Hint of Pink and Yellow” day. I was Depute Head Teacher for 11 years and during that time I was acting Head Teacher for 2 years while the Head Teacher was seconded to the local Authority. Newsletter. There are three candidates within the Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Constituencies. before heading to Rock N Roller Disco at Cumbernauld town centre. Education Scotland. Tel: 01698 274925. Action on Climate Together On Thursday 28 October, 29 of our pupils from S1-S6 attended the Education & Families Action on Climate Together “How can we make a difference” Virtual Conference. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. Glow. Pizza party before the hard work begins at the S5 Study Weekend in Stirling Youth Hostel @PapaJohnsUK. We learned about codes like Morse Code and made own torches with an LED light, 2 plastic covers, a piece of foam and a battery. Mark Stewart, an S4 pupil, recently travelled to Luxembourg to take part in a conference on “Inclusive Education in Europe”. Thank you to our team captains from @OlhsSocial @OLHS_PE_Dept @ScienceOLHS and to the wonderful @MissMilton_Eng for organising it all. Education Scotland. OLHS Cumbernauld @OLHSCumbernauld A COMMUNITY OF FAITH AND LEARNING Sorry we can't answer enquiries on this site. Thank you to Claire McFall, and to the North. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Rights Respecting School. Education Scotland. Glow. Podcasts.